Lets break that last line down:
Half Term:
For those of you not in the know, half term is a short holiday for school in the middle of term time. The current half term is also known as Easter break.
I Did Not Realise This:
I am a full time student. I have no work. I have no lessons or lectures at the moment. Ergo, I have no concept of time. This has the potential to be quite awkward, as a student I hate blue collar workers and all students are hated by blue collar workers. If I go out in to town of an evening I do my best to avoid Fridays and Saturdays. These days do not belong to students, they belong to the 'live for the weekend', mouth-breathing ultra-proles*. This should be no problem and it isn't if you have even the faintest grasp of time beyond;
Blue collar workers in their natural enviornment
Day = Light and Night = Dark
Unfortunately I don't and every few weeks I get quite a nasty shock.
Today I Went To Town:
Usually Lincoln town centre is full of students, people on lunch breaks and the sub-working class**. Today, this was not the case. I suffered not only from the usual (Big Issue vendors and AA salesmen) but also from the constant stream of small children trying to trip me up and the large children forcing me to slam through the town centre with all the grace of an aged amputee, with a ear infection.
I eventually got some lunch and have successfully stocked up on enough food so that I need leave my house again.
*It may sound like I am having a go at the working class, but I am not they are a valuable part of our society and, as a non-working member of out society, they are more valuable than me. Also, they won't get offended because their reading material doesn't extend beyond the racist column inches of the Daily Mail.
** You know who you are!
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