Thursday, 14 April 2011

Help Me Do A Charity

Hands up who has organised a charitable thing? (I don't even know what to call them?!) I am in over my head. I have picked a  project. I am going to walk the length of the south coast of England. I have picked a charity, Cancer Research UK. I just have to work out how the hell I am going to do it and what dates to do it on.

Can anybody help me? What is a good sum to raise? Should I do it alone? Can I raise any local media attention in order to raise more cash/awareness? (Cash is more important... Obviously (Also I have said 'raise' a lot, sorry))

Sorry that todays blog has been super brief and super shite, but hopefully this should lead to something bigger and better.

1 comment:

  1. I actually believe i can help you with this. We'll have word tommorow ;)

