This is where I come in. Bugging people for money is never acceptable... Unless it is for charity, in which case it is just a nuisance. An acceptable nuisance. I intend to become the person that you will cross the road to avoid in order to achieve my own ridiculously high target.
There is no way of stopping this anti-social behavior but you speed it along by donating and by getting others to donate. Yes, I know, this is far from fair, but I am not going to get incredibly tired and smelly over the summer (when I could be talking to girls!) for a paltry sum (of cash). I am in for the big bucks!
So have one less Bacardi Breezer, walk to work one day this week to save on petrol/bus fair or start cutting your own hair (just for a few weeks). There is no donation too small (although I would really prefer the big ones).
How to shave ones hair (upward strokes... Apparently)
If I could reach my target before I leave (on the 4th of July 2011) it would really help motivate me and I would not consider you all massive bastards.
So go forth and piss people off in order to shut me up.
Donations can (and will!) be made at:
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