Friday, 15 April 2011

It's OK, It Is For A Good Cause

Beggars, love them or hate them (not entirely sure that anyone loves them), they'll always be there. Their job? Hassling strangers for money to be spent on lord knows what.

This is where I come in. Bugging people for money is never acceptable... Unless it is for charity, in which case it is just a nuisance. An acceptable nuisance. I intend to become the person that you will cross the road to avoid in order to achieve my own ridiculously high target.

There is no way of stopping this anti-social behavior but you speed it along by donating and by getting others to donate. Yes, I know, this is far from fair, but I am not going to get incredibly tired and smelly over the summer (when I could be talking to girls!) for a paltry sum (of cash). I am in for the big bucks!

So have one less Bacardi Breezer, walk to work one day this week to save on petrol/bus fair or start cutting your own hair (just for a few weeks). There is no donation too small (although I would really prefer the big ones).

How to shave ones hair (upward strokes... Apparently)

If I could reach my target before I leave (on the 4th of July 2011) it would really help motivate me and I would not consider you all massive bastards.

So go forth and piss people off in order to shut me up.

Donations can (and will!) be made at:


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