Sunday, 17 April 2011


Yesterday I was meant to help a friend out recording a music video for his friends band. I couldn't be arsed. I could, however, be convinced to come to the pub for some Old Rosie.

The band, Arabella, I had met once before. We went to see them in Coventry a few months ago and we had a fantastically drunken time, because of how fantastically drunk we were I can't really remember the band too well (despite sleeping at theirs and sitting up half the night discussing things which should never be repeated).

In the band we have James (tambourine hands), Tom (racist), Matt (Ipswich fan) and Adam (great dancer). As I arrived in the pub things were pretty quiet, but very pleasant. The drinks began to flow (I had not been drinking, in preparation for Day of Mann, but I relented). We chatted about Day of Mann, when we last saw each other, my shirt and the lads (its was a laddish kind of night) took the piss out of my charity walk!

We then moved on to my all time (thyme?) favourite watering hole, The Tap and Spile, the spiritual home of Old Rosie. We had some more drinks. James tried and failed to keep up with Katha in a beer mat flipping contest (Katha managed 35!) and we played the 'Hand game', which Matt turned out to be exceptionally good at (Tom was awful!).

The Hand Game

Firstly, if you can think of a better name, please let me know. As it stand the name does the game no justice.

The rules are simple, sit in a circle and place your left hand over the right hand of the person next to you. You should form a unbroken chain. to start an elected person simply pats one of their hands on the table, moving clockwise the person next to them will follow suit. Easy.
There are, however, more rules. If someone double taps it changes the direction of the the game. If you move your hand at the wrong time or hesitate you loose one of your hands (just in the game!) and you have to have a drink. The last two people in the game have won.

After realising that the rest of the pub had been plunged into darkness and that we were the very last people there (bar staff included) we thought it may be time to go home.

When I say home I don't mean mine, but that of my friends Fraser and Paul (not a couple). I played a little (very drunken) Fifa with Adam, while little James had a nap (not sure where everyone else was) I went to sleep, fully clothed on the floor.

I awoke in the morning on the sofa bed next to James, Adam relegated to the floor (not sure how this happened, but it was a nice surprise). We made some tea, bought some food at Tesco's and then headed for the studio.

I hadn't been at the studio the day before so it was a shock to see how professional everything looked. I served little to no purpose for the day other than going on a beer run and trying to distract the band as recording continued.

Adam (left), James (centre), Matt (right) and Tom (out of shot, thank God!)

Around 5.30pm, with the band packed up and the recording (or this segment) completed the boys left for Coventry (not a euphemism) and we went home. The next portion of the video I will be starring in, so I am sure you will be hearing lots about it in the coming weeks.

Despite having to listen to the song around 70 times I like it, so I implore you to give these guys a listen. 

Arabella Info:

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