Monday, 28 March 2011

Writers' Block

Today I woke and felt as though I should write a blog. Unfortunately I have absolutely nothing to write about, unperturbed I shall carry on.

Usually I think about something that has happened to me very recently and try and put that into words that my be in some way interesting. In other instances inspiration hits, usually in the shower. So now you are sat there thinking;

"Owen, has nothing interesting happened in the last few days? Have you not had a shower?"

Firstly, it has been a very interesting few days. On Friday I played Squash with my friend James, made giant Dutch profiteroles (I spelled this perfectly, first time!) and got unbelievably drunk in the name of (someone else's) love!

The midway point of my Dutch cookery class.

Saturday was the usual mix of waking up in the wrong house, harrowing flashbacks, writing of apologies, Chinese buffet, being removed from Facebook and litres and litres of cola.

OK, my name isn't Ryan and I'm almost certain I didn't steal anything, but still, this illustrates my point perfectly.

Sunday we played a lot of Playstation, watched Dean Learners' Man to Man and started work on Paul Rooks' script for his final project.

Secondly, I have had almost two showers of the last three days, unfortunately I was a bit worse for wear and forgot that I'm meant to think whilst I'm in there.

Now you can understand why I felt so compelled to write today, despite having no idea what is was I wanted to write about. If anyone has any ideas of anything I should write about please let me know.

Additional: I realise I have linked an awful lot to my own previous blogs today, but it is a good way to keep my page views up.

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