Monday, 14 March 2011

Time Blindness

It is with increasing regularity that I find myself being subjected to 'Time Blindness'. This is a term I have coined as I am typing to explain the bizarre anomaly which involves people glossing over the errors of the past and romanticising the potential that the future has to offer.

The Past

The past has happened, we all know this. Think about the past for a moment, I'll wait.
I'm sure for the majority of you (from my readership, that would probably only have to be 2 or 3 people) the memories that you have recalled have been pleasant call backs to a lovely time in your life when all seemed so simple. This is by no means a bad thing, I want you to enjoy yourselves. You remember your first kiss, but you forget how bad it was. You remember those long carefree summers, but you forget how bored you were most of the time. You remember great Christmas's but forget all the arguments.
For now we will symbolise the past with red:

The Future

The future will happen, this we all know. But when we think to the future, we do not stop to consider everything. We leave out what we don't want to see. You dream about a lovely house, but you neglect to envisage the hours you will need to work to pay for it. You muse about the perfect spouse, but forget that no matter how perfect they are, there will be fights and they will cut you deep. Deeper than any fight with a friend or family member. You want children, lovely children to mold in your own image, but you choose to ignore the cost and the trouble of what will ultimately be a rewarding endeavor. In your minds eye the future is a clean ironed shirt, but in reality it is fraught with creases. For now we will symbolise the future with red:

The Present

Ah the present, oasis from the delusions of past and future. What do you think about when you think about the now. You see struggling relationships, work pressure, study pressure, lack of direction and not knowing what to eat. The now is horrible. This is why we hide in the pretend of what has passed and what will come to pass. The present will be represented by blue:

So when we look at the 'Time Blindness' colour chart what do we see?

That's right. Pure delusion. The sliver of blue now time is so small between the infinite periods of future and past we need never concern ourselves with the now. I am now content to carry on in my life in a perpetual state of daydream/daymare safe in the knowledge that everyone else is doing this to.

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