Thursday, 18 November 2010

Stupid games to play if you're in high school

The title pretty much explains the premise of this blog. These are all real games, so please do play them.

  • Whenever a teacher asks you to do or hand in anything, reply with: "But, it's civvies day!"
  • At the start of each morning registration fill you gob (mouth) with as much water/coke/juice as possible and try and hold it in for the duration, whilst simultaneously trying to get others to laugh theirs out
  • On April first, remark how nice a teacher looks. Then proceed to laugh for slightly too long
  • Whenever you get caught doing anything simply let the teacher know: "An older boy told me to do it."
  • One of your chums shouts "Time for school!", roll up your trousers as quickly as possible so that they resemble shorts.
  • Pick up a child (preferably, much smaller than yourself) who is heading the opposite direction to yourself and carry them to your lesson, only releasing them once the bell has sounded and you can be sure they will be late.
  • Convert your school shirt into a 'real' football shirt, by using a permanent marker to add a badge, name, number and maybe even some sort of sponsorship!
  • A teacher tells a bad joke, Laugh. Encourage others to laugh. Get everyone to laugh. Laugh until the teacher leaves the room crying.
  • If the head teacher claims your hair is too long for a boy, simply assert that he is jealous of your follicle prowess.
  • Boggies, with a holocaust twist.
  • Fussy teacher? Whenever her back is turned simply adjust the pens and register on their desk ever so slightly. Hours of fun.
  • Catholic school? Have to sing hymns? Don't want to? Just sing them so loudly and 'laddishly' that in future they won't ask you to join in
  • Pretend you've misheard the teacher as many times as possible.
  • Repeat back what the teacher has said with a slight variation so that they correct you. Correct your original error and come up with a new one (great in Maths)
  • Getting told off for talking? Claim the a person on the other side of the room punched you.
  • Teacher made you sit at the front of the class? No problem, when they move around to talk to other school chums, jump onto the table and pretend to have sex! When the teacher turns back around you are already in your seat working again.
  • Hide in a toilet stall with a friend until someone comes in then both leave the stall, one of you doing up your fly and the other wiping their mouth.
That's all I can remember for now, feel free to add your own in the comment section.


  1. Holy shit we had some fun back in the day..

    That list is amazing.

    You missed out some of the 'pointless vandalism' themed games like 'Clay Ceiling' and 'Computer Cable Switching'

    Ohhhh, and my favourite pass time in science 'How many ridiculous science related objects can I sneak in to this poor girls bag before she notices'

    I remember saying a mates name in the register just as they are about to, and just sitting there hoping he returns the favour. This one, like most, is funnier when it ends badly.

    Good times man

  2. there were a couple of other hilarious games too, paying someone to shout "scooby dooby doo" instead of "yes miss" and of course, one of the simplest, sneaking a pig kidney into Edward Jones' blazer pocket without him realising. Lets also not forget claiming to actually be Ed Jones when you got into trouble and the classic "Sir my computer has a virus" power point trick!

  3. Thanks guys, I especially like the register game and poor Ed Jones. happier days.

  4. "A teacher tells a bad joke, Laugh. Encourage others to laugh. Get everyone to laugh. Laugh until the teacher leaves the room crying."

    -Mr Hayes

    "Fussy teacher? Whenever her back is turned simply adjust the pens and register on their desk ever so slightly. Hours of fun."

    -Mr Pipe
