Saturday, 13 November 2010

Male, 18-21, white

I, like many young people, watch television. My concern is, as there is no way to know who is watching what or when, that television companies cannot establish demographics.

I am going to try and help those unlucky souls in television who have to guess what to put on when and what the television show should be about. So I have written this letter, but I don't know who to send it to.

Dear sir/madam,

I am a 21 year old male, I'm white, a full time student and I watch television. I would like to see more shows with the following content (around 6-9pm, I don't like to stay up to late. I don't mind what channel):

  1. I would like a Hollyoaks style television show with more sex and violence, no character should be on the television show for more than 20mins (this will help keep it fresh).
  2. I really like that 'How to make the most of your sky box' television show on the 'How to make the most of your sky box' channel. I would like to see the concept expanded.
  3. Could there be a phone in television show to help you with crosswords?
  4. I would like a television show where no matter what is happening every scene ends with a murder, a make out or, preferably, both.
  5. I would like a travel television show shot in the style of 'The Blair Witch Project'.
  6. I like the television shows where someone has, like a well monged out face or is like really fat or has an extra knee or something. But what I don't like is that these television shows take like, an hour. Can we just make it so you get two minutes on each freak and then you move on?
  7. Sports, people like that. Maybe you could make a television show about that?
  8. I was talking to this guy on my course, he is so funny, and he said that people like panel shows. I thought that might be an idea you could use.
  9. Nature television shows are good, but some of the animals don't move enough. I think I can solve this problem and make an educational show interesting. If like a rhino is sleeping the audience can vote for how a member of the crew is going to wake it. This way we can see the rhino like wake up and stuff AND see how it reacts to stimulus.
  10. My two favourite television shows are Porridge and MTV's Cribs, could you do something like that?
I hope these can help you get better at making television shows for your television viewers. I'm free pretty much all day so give me a call if you want me to clear anything up.

Owen Johnston

1 comment:

  1. excellent, again I "lolled" in the middle of a serious work session. good effort sir!
