Sunday, 19 June 2011

I'm so sorry Simon

Recently my good friend Simon Byford left the UK for a year to go gallivanting in the US and a couple of other places. At his leaving drinks I realised that presents were expected. I did not bring a present. I am so sorry Simon.

By way of penance I offered to not shave or trim my facial hair until we next meet, an offer which Simon drunkenly accepted.

I shall endeavor to keep my beard a'growin' for as long as possible, although there is a very real possibility that when Simon returns to the UK in about a years time I will have just left for a 6 or 7 month jaunt to China. This potentially means that Simon and I will not see each other around Ipswich for about 18 months.

So wish me luck, pray Simon forgives me and I'll keep you updated.

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